By ATD’s Florida Experts, Susan and Simon Veness
Legoland Florida is the ideal park for kid-sized thrills, from their ‘my first coaster’ experiences to the soaking-wet thrills of World of Chima. While the 2-12 crowd are happily entertained, what about their teenaged siblings?
Legoland in Winter Haven, with its laid-back pace and kid-friendly style, is the perfect park for families with children between the ages of 2 and 12, but often those families either have or are travelling with teens. Sure, even older teens will enjoy Coastersaurus, Flying School, Miniland USA and The Quest For Chi, but while their younger brothers and sisters scamper happily from kid-sized Jousting School and Safari Trek, how do you keep older kids engaged in the experience and avoid the moans and groans? Give them something—or 20 somethings—to look for!

Part of the enjoyment of visiting Legoland is the atmosphere, and the clever Lego creations scattered around the park. Why not make a scavenger hunt of it for the older kids while the youngsters enjoy the kiddie rides? Here, we provide you with two lists: the first one can be taken in the order you tour the park, with each item to look for listed under the land or area it’s in (some will be out in the open, some inside the attraction, but none in a shop or a dining location and all will be made of Lego). The second is much harder; just the list, with no hints at all, which requires a bit of critical thinking and a lot of luck! Ready? Print out your chosen list and let’s go!
World of Chima:
Since your attention will be focused on spraying fellow riders, we’ll make this one super easy. Find Crug, the brown Croc (as in, crocodile) with a grey jaw.
Lego Kingdoms:
Ogre-like faces with no bodies.
A full-sized skeleton hanging by its wrist from a dungeon wall.
A pink and gray piglet with its face stuck in a bucket.
Merlin holding a magic wand.
A royal princess looking out over her visitors.

Land of Adventure:
A white lemur with a black face. Bonus points if you can find his lemur friend!
Enter Miniland USA and it gets a bit harder. Now you’re looking for smaller scale Lego creations. See if you can find:
A tanned sun-bather wearing a white bikini, lying face down on a sun lounger.
A green bus with a blue top, and the logo, ‘Sly Tovhand Illusionist Tonight’ written on the side.
A woman walking two dogs, with a young child stroking one of the dogs.
One very embarrassed person using the loo!
C-3PO and R2-D2.
Sloppy Moe’s Bar.
Street entertainment by a steel-drum band.
Nine dancers forming two conga lines.
A diver photographing a sunken wreck.

This one is right out in the open, and because it’s easy to see if you’re looking for it, we won’t tell you the exact area. See if you can find a family of foxes sunning themselves near a stream.

Pirates Cove:
A seagull perched on a wooden pylon, with a (non-Lego) speaker in front of it.
Heartlake City:
Musical instruments, amplifiers and a microphone left behind by a girl-group.
Want a more challenging way for your teens to do the scavenger hunt? Print out the entire list without revealing the lands where you’ll find each of them.
Find Croc, the brown crocodile with the gray jaw.
Ogre-like faces with no bodies.
A full-sized skeleton hanging by its wrist from a dungeon wall.
A pink and gray piglet with its face stuck in a bucket.
Merlin holding a magic wand.
A royal princess looking out over her visitors.
A white lemur with a black face. Bonus points if you can find his lemur friend!
A tanned sun-bather wearing a white bikini, lying face down on a sun lounger.
A green bus with a blue top, and the logo, ‘Sly Tovhand Illusionist Tonight’ written on the side.
A woman walking two dogs, with a young child stroking one of the dogs.
One very embarrassed person using the loo!
C-3PO and R2-D2.
Sloppy Moe’s Bar.
Street entertainment by a steel-drum band.
Nine dancers forming two conga lines.
A diver photographing a sunken wreck.
A family of foxes sunning themselves near a stream.
A seagull perched on a wooden pylon, with a (non-Lego) speaker in front of it.
Musical instruments, amplifiers and a microphone left behind by a girl-group.

And finally, the answers:
Crug is on the right, in the second scene after you enter your ride vehicle and leave the boarding area.
The ogre-like faces are on the castle’s main turrets.
The skeleton is inside the Flying Dragon attraction, to the left of the pile of gold in the dungeon room.
Find the piglet in a little pen surrounding a tree, to the left of Castle Burger.
Merlin is the centerpiece of the Merlin’s Challenge kiddie ride and inside the Flying Dragon attraction.
The princess is at the top of the turret that features a heart-shaped crest, near the archway.
The lemur is above the sign for Safari Trek; its friend is on a branch of the tree to the right of the sign.
The sun-bather wearing a white bikini is laying by the pool at The Mirage hotel in the Las Vegas section.
The bus is behind The Mirage hotel.
The dog walker is in the middle glassed section to the left of the main terminal inside Grand Central Station building in the New York section.
The loo scene is just to the left of the dog walker.
Yoda is inside a ship in the Geonosis area of Star Wars section.
C-3PO and R2-D2 are outside a bunker, being threatened by a Walker, in the Endor scene in a small section set apart from the others.
Sloppy Moe’s Bar is in the Key West area of the Florida section.
The steel-drum band is to the right of the front side of Sloppy Moe’s.
Find the conga dancers in Florida’s Little Havana area of the Florida section.
A diver is floating above the sunken galleon in the Pirates Shore’s section.
Find 3 foxes along the pathway between Miniland and Pirates Cove.
The seagull is along the roped-off area in front of the beach.
The instruments, amps, and microphone are in the fountain pool.
The most important part of any theme park visit is having fun, so whether you’re visiting with teens, with younger kids, or as a group of adults-only, a Lego character scavenger hunt can add an extra element of engagement. Go one better and offer an age-appropriate prize for finding them all!
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