Vatican Gardens - Open Top Bus Tour with Audioguide

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A tour of the Vatican Garden is unique, as it takes the visitor through 2000 years of history.

Our guide to Vatican Gardens - Open Top Bus Tour with Audioguide

Besides the natural beauty of the gardens, the Vatican City is rich in monuments and precious works of art.

A 45-minute bus ride of this exclusive landscaped area - designed by great Renaissance architect Carlo Maderno - and soak up the splendor. Vatican Gardens tour is with an audio guide in a panoramic open bus, surrounded by the natural and architectural beauty of the Vatican Gardens.

Originally built in the 13th century - the Vatican Gardens are nearly 23 hectares of flower fields, sculptures, fountains, and even some medieval buildings. Legend has it that when the Vatican Gardens were first built, they were covered with sacred soil from Mount Calvary - where Jesus was crucified. In the past these wonderful gardens (and lawn and orchard) were only available to those with power and influence. But with this ticket you can count yourself among that privileged group. Filled with fountains, sculptures and shady trees, this is the place Pope Francis strolls when he needs a little 'me' time. Enjoy the beauty of the worlds’ smallest state, rich in works of art and natural wonders!