So, we thought we'd start by getting you up to speed on the recent stunts Universal are pulling out the bag for the launch of the Transformers the Ride at Universal Studios Orlando! If you read Attraction Tickets Direct's Latest News post yesterday, you will have seen the image below with the caption Universal Orlando shared with their social media friends and followers 'The man with the yellow hat sees something coming on the horizon...'
Universal said nothing more on the matter, allowing the conversation to begin and the speculation to accumulate. The first question that arose was, 'who is the character in the photo?', followed by 'what exactly is on the horizon?
Today, Universal shared the video below, we won't ruin your viewing experience by saying too much about it, other than, was this what was seen to be approaching on the horizon? And that, clearly the image they shared above, with the man in the yellow hat, was merely meant to throw us off track and get the world talking! Hats off to them, they certainly succeeded!
Hours later Universal revealed some news, some of it good some of it bad - depending which way you choose to look at it; Firstly they warned their social media friends and followers that Megatron, the supreme leader of the villainous Decepticons, has arrived in the Sunshine State. In the realm of Transformers this would be regarded as considerably bad news. However, in the theme park capital of the world, the arrival of Megatron can mean one thing and one thing only...the arrival of Transformers the Ride 3D is on the horizon and this is, undoubtedly, the good news! Of course Universal wouldn't let up on the suspense that easily, so whilst they have confirmed that the launch is approaching, they are still yet to reveal an actual date! What they have revealed is, that they'll be announcing the grand opening date at some point today!

So, if you're Orlando travels are dependent on the launch of Transformers the Ride 3D watch this space before you get those precious Orlando attraction tickets! Needless to say, there's no harm done researching the best Universal tickets for your Orlando holiday in advance. Check out Attraction Tickets Direct's range of Universal Orlando tickets to get the ball rolling!